It's easy to forget, as one admires the many varieties of facial topiary on display this month, that the true purpose of Movember is to tackle the greatest threats to men's health.
So as mos everywhere grow (or stubbornly don't), we in the MH office have been busy doing our research to keep you looking as good on the inside as you do on the outside – and, sir, you do look exceptionally good.The following circuits should take 15min each. Complete them as a total-body, disease-fighting 45min workout, or split them up for mini health-boosting workouts throughout the week.

Warm-up: Protect and prepare Failing to warm-up dramatically increases your risk of injury, and a Nottingham University study found you're 4.2 times more likely to develop oseoarthritis if you've had even a moderate injury to one of your joints. A warm-up that increases joint awareness and coordination is best to ensure flexible movement. Plus, a proper warm-up can boost your power during your workout, which will help you lift big and protect yourself against Alzheimer's. Brandeis University scientists discovered that 60% or more of your one rep max is the most effective weight you can lift to boost memory function and prevent the disease.
A 1,000m row will fire up your muscle fibres, providing the increased explosive power you need to throw an extra plate on the bar, while helping prepare your joints and avoid injury.
1. Lean forward with your arms straight and shins almost vertical. Press with your legs, lean back and pull with your arms.
2. Finish the stroke with your legs straight, upper arms by your torso and the handle at your abdomen.

A1: Underhand pull-ups . 1) Stand under a pull-up bar and reach up to grasp it with a shoulder-width, underhand grip.
2) Pull your body up until your neck is level with your hands, without allowing your body to swing. Then lower until your arms and shoulders are completely extended. Do as many as you can until failure.

A2: Barbell squat . 1) Rest a barbell across your shoulders and assume a shoulder-width stance.
2) Bend your knees while pushing your hips back and down. Stop when your thighs are parallel to the floor, then drive up to a standing position. Perform 8-12 reps using a weight you’re comfortable with for safety.
2) Bend your knees while pushing your hips back and down. Stop when your thighs are parallel to the floor, then drive up to a standing position. Perform 8-12 reps using a weight you’re comfortable with for safety.

A3: Swiss ball dumbbell press. 1) Lie on a Swiss ball and hold a pair of dumbbells either side of your chest with your palms facing forward.
2) With your elbows kept to the sides, press the weights up until your arms are fully extended. Lower them again slowly. Do 15 reps with as heavy a weight as is possible while maintaining good form.

A4: Dumbbell deadlift. 1) With feet shoulder-width apart, squat down to grasp the dumbbells.
2) Rise up, keeping your back and arms straight, and pulling your shoulders back at the top of the move. Return to the squat position and repeat 8-12 times. Use enough weight to make the final reps very difficult.

Part B: Maintain intensity to put the squeeze on the big C. After the exertion of Part A, this circuit demands precise athletic movements which challenge the body under duress. The limited rest during the workout will take you into the aerobic zone found by Harvard University researchers to cut your chance of developing prostate cancer by 61%. And a bit of heart-racing activity won't do your waistline any harm, either. As before, perform all exercises consecutively with 50-80% of your one-rep max and 60sec rest after each circuit. Complete three circuits overall.

B1: Kettlebell press into calf extension. 1) Hold a kettlebell at shoulder level. Dip your hips slightly and use the lift to help press the kettlebell up, rising onto tiptoes.
2) Hold for a second before lowering your heels and returning the kettlebell to the starting position. Repeat 8-12 times and switch sides.

B2: Bulgarian split squat with dumbbells. 1) Carefully balancing with a set of dumbbells, lift your left foot onto a step placed about two feet behind you.
2) Slowly bend your right knee and lower your thigh until it is almost parallel to the floor. Rise slowly back up. Perform 15 reps before switching sides.

B3: Tricep dips. 1) Mount parallel dip bars with straight arms, locking out to remain stable. Ensure your shoulders are directly above your hands and keep your hips straight below your torso throughout.
2) Bend your arms to slowly lower yourself until there is a 90-degree bend at the elbow, and push yourself back up until your arms are straight. Perform 8-12 reps.

B4: Bent-over barbell row. 1) Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your knees slightly bent. Hold a bar with a wide, overhand grip and keep your back as straight as possible.
2) Slowly pull the bar to your upper waist without rounding your lower back. Pause, then lower the bar slowly to the start. Repeat 8-12 times.

Part C: Galvanise your muscles to guard your heart. This final section soaks up the last of your glycogen stores so you really show diabetes who's boss. It does this by activating multiple muscle groups throughout your body to maximise the oxygenated blood your heart needs, which is also essential for slashing your risk of heart disease. "Full-body stimulation during exercise can cause a 30% dip in C-reactive protein levels: the measurement used to predict your risk of coronary disease," explains Professor Jonathan Myers from Palo Alto Veterans Affairs Health System in California.
Again, perform all exercises consecutively with 50-80% of your one rep max. Rest 60sec after each circuit and complete three circuits overall.

C1: Swiss ball knee tucks. 1) Take up a press-up position with your ankles on a Swiss ball and your hands on the floor.
2) Maintain your balance as you use your feet to roll the ball into your body, stopping when your knees reach your chest. Slowly roll the ball back to the start and repeat 15 times.

C2: Swiss ball crunches. 1) Lie on a Swiss ball with your spine arched slightly backwards and your knees bent. Hold a weight on your chest with both hands.
2) Flex at the waist to raise your upper torso until you feel tension through your abs. Perform 15 reps.
C3: Swiss ball plank. 1) Rest your elbows on a Swiss ball. Keep your back straight and your feet wide for more stability, or closer for a greater challenge.
2) With your core engaged, hold the position for 30-60sec or until you can’t maintain good form any longer.

C3: Swiss ball plank. 1) Rest your elbows on a Swiss ball. Keep your back straight and your feet wide for more stability, or closer for a greater challenge.
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